Best Arund in GMS ?

Saw this on Basil,
Added on Legendary Equip page

Fire Arund: 115 Att, 5 Dex
(Base 88, SoAd400, Scania)


*this post shows how outdated Legendary Equip thread is -_-

6 Responses to Best Arund in GMS ?

  1. Jackk says:

    Josh, you’re like a month late >_> This bow’s been around since 30%’s came out. The guy was kind of a noob though. He only did that cause he didnt know 30%’s can break your bow >_>

  2. B0WJOB says:

    therefore “Legendary Bowman equip” page is so outdated 😦

    lol at him didnt know breaking. lucky him

  3. ryouki says:

    (I’m just some random archer that found your page off of Retalion’s)

    Yes, indeed, you are about a month late, haha. Quite a shame that you were banned from otherwise you would have known much sooner.

    In any case, I believe soad400 knew about the breaking thing in the scrolls ’cause he 60% the last two slots (yes, it was +5 30% with two slots).

    But damn, soad400 grew so cocky after scrolling it. It’s like he reveres himself as a god now.

  4. Jackk says:

    He found out after the 5 30’s, lol. erm Josh, just to let you know, but there are rumors of a 115 atk 2 slot arund out there in Scania now. I’ll get you more details when I can.

  5. B0WJOB says:

    thanks a ton for this jack 🙂

  6. B0WJOB says:

    reading what you(ryouki) wrote, seems like he didn’t sell that bow to no one :p

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